CMV Seroconversion Associated with an high Avidity in a Previously Seronegative Pregnant Woman during her first Trimester of Pregnancy

Authored by Quentin Delefortrie

Recently, we observed in our laboratory a CMV seroconversion with the appearance of CMV-specific IgGtogether with an IgM response in a previously seronegative pregnant woman during her first trimester (week 14) of pregnancy (kit used: Liaison® CMV IgGII and IgMII kits,Diasorin®, Italy). Surprisingly, the latest sample displayed high avidity using the Liaison® IgG Avidity II kit (Diasorin®, Italy). Similar results were observed with those samples using the Vidas® CMV IgG, IgM and Avidity kits (biomérieux®, France)


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